With my running Diva's. Loretta, Lisa & Pauline. |
A lovely 5 am wake-up on race morning. A banana, some water and I'm ready to go. Weather was perfect!
The start line was hectic and messy, just like last year. We finally got into the corral after the gun start. It took about 5 minutes for us to cross the start line, which wasn't too bad considering there were over 20,000 of us. Off we went, Loretta, Michele B. and I.
I felt pretty good for the first six miles. Even ran up the hill at Fisherman's Wharf. Miles seven and eight are mostly a blur. I do remember the hills being a killer and I felt it. The cheering stations helped a little. Finally had a burst of energy at mile nine. I think it was because I knew that once I hit the tenth mile it would be down hill for a while. I couldn't wait to run past the Cliff House where I would get a glimpse of the finish line (on the Great Highway) before entering Golden Gate Park. That burst of energy didn't last long. Those last three miles in GG Park seemed to go on forever! Once again the cheering crowds helped to keep me going. I was so happy to see the Ghiradelli Chocolates waiting for us at mile twelve! Although I wasn't in the mood for chocolate, I knew I only had one more mile to run!!! Two hours, thirty five minutes and ten seconds! Loretta and I crossed the finish line together...now that was awesome! Even more rewarding than the cute fireman that gave me my Tiffany necklace! :-)
Click here for
Video of the route
Thank you Sweetie Pie for coming
and being supportive. And really, it's okay
that you need to sit down after the race
even though you didn't run it :-) |
Ahhhh, I'm so glad it's over with!
Finisher's Village with Pauline and Marilyn. |
Loretta found her name! |
Girls, are you sure you're only
packing for two day? |
Hey, how come my name isn't in bold? |
Rosie and I getting pampered with foot massages by Cole Haan at the expo. |
We're packed and ready to head into the city for a fun weekend! |
It hurts to even look at the course map. |
The Niketown wall with runner's names listed. |
After race celebration dinner at Roy's Restaurant on
Mission Street! Runners and our three supportive men. |
From top left. Darleen, Loretta, Michelle, Lisa, May Lin and I. |
Our finisher's Tiffany necklace handed to us by
a fireman in tuxedo. |
Saturday afternoon packet pick up
for Tess
Having fun at the expo. |
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